Mid-Summer Hike Nashville Conservation Reserve
Join us for a mid-summer hike on the lovely loop trail north of Nashville that the HVHTA has maintained with volunteer labour for more than a decade now.
The conservation lands along the Humber River between Kleinburg and Bolton are in transition, as a master trail plan adopted by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority in 2015 will be implemented over the next decade with significant involvement by our HVHTA Kleinburg Chapter. Over the next few years, this lovely area of rolling meadowlands intermixed with forested ravines will no doubt become much better known under its recent designation as the Nashville Conservation Reserve.
The walking pace will be easy, the distance traversed about 4 kilometres. The terrain is hilly in several places, but there are no difficult sections.
Bring your hiking footwear, a water bottle, sunscreen, and your camera. Long pants are recommended.
Barry Westhead is Past President of Kleinburg Chapter of HVHTA and was a key contributor to the development of a master trail plan for Nashville Conservation Reserve. He has led dozens of hikes over the years in the Humber River watershed.
Directions will be sent to the email address used for the Registration form below
Send an email to hvhtak@gmail.com
Have you renewed your membership?
Membership funds are used to cover the construction, maintenance and insurance costs of the trail. You don’t have to be a member to use the trail, but if there were no members, there would be no trail!
Annual membership is $20.
Visit here to join or renew your membership.